I wasn’t interested in anything to do with politics until 2016.

After listening to clips of our Toddler in Chief, I captured 100 sound-waves of his voice, in honor of his 100th day in office.

1)       Nobody has more respect for women than I do.  Nobody.

2)       I tend to like beautiful women more than unattractive women.

3)       There has to be some form of punishment (for a woman who gets an abortion).

4)       And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the (bleeped out )

5)       ‘Cause I like kids. I mean I won’t do anything to take care of them.

6)       I don’t wanna sound too much like a chauvinist  but when I come home and dinner’s not ready, I go through the roof!

7)       I was the one that really broke the glass ceiling on behalf of women.

8)       I never went bankrupt.

9)       Well, you know what? I’m worth 5 billion dollars, plus, by a lot.

10)    Nobody’s stronger than me.

11)    I’m gonna get the bathing suits to be smaller and the heels to be higher.

12)    There’s nobody bigger or better at the Military than I am.

13)    I think you better hold onto your girlfriend, Rosie, because if you lose her, you’ll never be able to get another one.

14)    There’s nobody that will take care of women’s health issues better than I will.

15)    I know words.  I have the best words.

16)    There’s nobody bigger or better at the military than I am.

17)    My primary consultant is Myself.

18)    I don’t know anything about what you’re even talking about with uh…white supremacy.

19)    Nobody loves the Bible more than I do.

20)    Putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing.

21)    With the terrorists, you have to take out their families.

22)    It’s all fake news.  It didn’t happen.

23)    Nobody builds walls better than me.

24)    I’ve received many Environmental awards.  Many, many Environmental awards for the work I do.

25)    I get the biggest crowds.  I get the biggest standing ovations.

26)    I think it’s (Climate Change) is a big scam.

27)    I  love The First Amendment.  Nobody loves it better than me.  Nobody.

28)    Nobody’s better to people with disabilities than me.

29)    I’m worth many, many billions of dollars.

30)    The reporters because they’re a very dishonest lot.

31)    I could be the most presidential person ever.  Other than possibly the Great Abe Lincoln, alright?

32)    Donald Trump has always been very, very successful

33)    I’m the tough guy!

34)    There’s nobody that’s done so much for equality as I have.

35)    Number one, I’m not stupid, okay? I can tell you that.  Right now.  Just the opposite.

36)    I went to The Warton School of Finance.  It’s like one of the hardest schools in the world to get into.

37)    There’s nobody more pro-Israel than I am.

38)    Of course it’s very hard for them to attack me on looks because I’m so good looking.

39)    I would’ve won the popular vote if I was campaigning for the popular vote.

40)    My big win in NY- It was a landslide! It’s been like, unprecedented.

41)    Some people won’t vote for me because I’m wealthy.

42)    I’d like to punch him in the face I tell ya.

43)    I have a great temperament.  My temperament is very good; very calm.

44)    I’m gonna bomb the shit out of’em.

45)    There’s nobody more conservative than me.

46)     There’s nobody that understands the horror of Nuclear better than me!

47)    Look, I have to do what I have to do.  I’m not going to be politically correct.

48)    Andrew Jackson- who a lot of people compare the campaign of Trump with.

49)    I’m going to take care of everybody.

50)    I’m talking with myself number one because I have a very good brain.

51)    At least he’s (Putin) a good leader.  You know, unlike what we have in this country.

52)    He (Obama) likes me.  Because I can feel it.  You know, that’s what I do in life- it’s called like ‘I understand.’.

53)    Putin of Russia- he said ‘Trump is a genius.  He’ll be the next leader.’

54)    The wall just got 10 feet taller.  Believe me.

55)    Nobody knows more about trade than me.

56)    Let me be unpresidential just for a little while longer.

57)    I’m afraid the election’s going to be rigged.  I have to be honest.

58)    The only thing she’s (Hillary’s) got going, is the Women’s card.

59)    I will totally accept the results of this great and historic presidential election- if I win.

60)    I’d think my side was rigged.

61)    I’m very Pro-life

62)    I’m very Pro-Choice

63)    Well I am not a hypocrite and I haven’t been treated properly.

64)     Nobody knows the game better than I do.

65)    You (CNN) are Fake News.

66)    Written by a nice reporter.  Now the poor guy- You gotta see this guy. (mocking disability) ‘Ah! I don’t remember.’

67)    Nobody knows politicians better than I do.

68)    I have to give like, my credentials all the time.

69)    We won with the poorly educated.  I love the poorly educated.

70)    I have a great grasp of numbers.

71)    There are millions of (illegal) votes in my opinion.

72)    I’m best on terrorism; best on the economy; best on trade.

73)    Nobody knows more about taxes than I do.

74)    Well we were very close.  We were just probably anywhere from 10-15 votes short.  Could’ve even been closer than that.

75)    I know more about ISIS than the generals do.  Believe me.

76)    I have 5 million people between Facebook and Twitter!

77)    He (McCain) is a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured, okay?

78)    Nobody knows more about debt than I do.

79)    I’m a unifier. I’m very much a unifier.

80)    There’s no rally like a Trump rally!

81)    It could be 30 (million people) and it could be 5.  Nobody knows what the number is.

82)    Nobody’s ever had crowds like Trump has had.

83)    Jeb Bush has to like the Mexican illegals because of his wife.

84)    I don’t have a racist bone in my body.

85)    I love the Mexican people.  They’re fantastic.

86)    I have great relationships with Mexico.

87)    I will build a better wall and I’ll build it for cheaper and Mexico will pay!

88)    They (Mexico) are not our friend.

89)    Nobody in the history of this country, has ever known so much about infrastructure than Donald Trump.

90)    That wall will cost us nothing.

91)    Nobody knows the system better than me.

92)    An impenetrable, physical, tall, powerful, beautiful southern border wall.

93)    I will have Mexico pay for that wall.  Mark my words.

94)    What I’m doing is good for the U.S.  It’s also going to be good for Mexico.

95)    There’s no ladder going over that! (the wall) There’s no way to get down.  Maybe a rope.

96)    I never said ‘repeal it (Obamacare) and replace it within 64 days’.

97)    It seems that both sides like Trump and that’s good.

98)    Look, I did some things in fun.  I’ve said it as an entertainer.

99)    And if I see I’m not doing well, then I’ll say ‘Bye-Bye’ and I’ll go back to building buildings.  I’m not a masochist.

100) Sadly, the American dream is DEAD.

